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Shunya Practice

Duration: 48 Minutes

Period: Early Morning


An active practice to stop the chatter of the mind and take out the repressed thoughts and emotions which become very difficult to express in common. Do it consciously and you will be able to see results in only a few sittings. You will feel lighter and more peaceful within and will be able to express yourself more clearly. 


“Only in a hollow flute can one fill music. Our chambers are already stuffed. How can you live a life that is peaceful? To see things clearly and fell peace within, it is important that we clean these chambers and only then can life play its music” 


An interval bell audio is provided below and is downloadable. A gong bells in the beginning of the practice, at the start of each stage and at the end of the practice. This practice includes two stages which have to be repeated 3 times. Each stage is 5 minutes. This adds to 30 minutes of your practice and then 20 minute meditation. 


Find a quiet corner where nobody can hear you for the next one hour. Do this practice just by yourself. 


Stage One: 7 Minutes

Sit upright with your knees bent and your heels under your calves, ensuring your back remains straight. Maintain the same position for the rest of the stages. Now with both of your palms start hitting on the floor before you. Do as you are slapping the floor and do it with all the energy you can. As you are doing the movement, repeat “Dram-Dram”. Say and slap together, slowly increasing your speed staying totally aware of your movements and the sound you are creating.                                          ​​​​​​

Stage Two: 7 Minutes​

Now in the same position, start slapping your laps while repeating “Hom”. As you did in the first stage, slowly increase your speed and be totally aware of your whole mechanism .​​

Stage Seven: 7 Minutes​

Now slowly transition by bringing the movement around your face. Hit your palms around your face, on your neck and on both the ears while repeating “Ghe”.  Make sure that you are not reserving any energy back and are putting all effort to 


Stage Two: 7 Minutes

Now come to the head. Start hitting around on top of your head with all the energy you can. Along start exhaling fast. Do as your stomach is pulled by the spine when you exhale. As you relax the stomach, the air will come in without any effort. Do this as fast as you can. ​​


Stage Seven: 20 Minutes

Stop and hold your current posture. Bring both hands in front of your stomach, with your arms relaxed and palms facing each other. Position your palms close together, but make sure they don’t touch. Focus your attention on the space between your palms. You may sense a strong energy field between them. Be totally aware of whatever sensations occur. 


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